New City Arts presents Quarantine Drawings, a special installation of drawings in the Welcome Gallery window.
New City Arts' Welcome Gallery
114 3rd St. NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Art on Display
Take a walk downtown any time this month to see them.
How to Purchase Work
Unlimited Edition prints, 8.5” x 11”. $6 each or 5 for $26 or 10 for $50
To purchase, email Lindsey at Include a photo or description of the drawing(s) you would like to purchase. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Black Lives Matter.
This Welcome Gallery installation is supported by an Enriching Communities grant from the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation.
Exhibition Statement (provided by the artist)
About five years ago I started drawing digitally on my iPad much more frequently. What started as drawings of my son evolved into commissions and now into larger commercial projects. At the start of the Stay at Home orders I made a commitment to make sure I drew an object every day. I thought this was one thing imagined I could do for myself in the midst of suddenly having my three and four-year-old children out of school and with me ALL THE TIME. This has become a very meditative practice for me over the past 51 days. It hasn't been easy finding time to draw, it actually has been even more difficult than I ever imagined. The drawings in turn track and document the monotony of the past seven weeks (and counting) while also becoming increasingly personal and weird. The drawings get posted daily on Instagram — you can find me @marasprafkindraws.
About the Artist (provided by the artist)
A native of Brooklyn, NY, Mara Sprafkin relocated to Charlottesville, VA in in 2011. Sprafkin holds a BA from Bowdoin College and an MFA from Columbia University.
Mara has exhibited throughout the United States and locally at both Second Street Gallery and with New City Arts at WVTF. Mara was a 2013-2014 Artist-in-Residence with New City Arts at the Haven and has been a Community Fellow with The University of Virginia’s International Residential College. Mara is the founder of the New City Artist Exchange, an annual artist-led program that brings together Charlottesville artists to create and exchange a unique set of artwork with one another.