Jesús G. Pino Aguilar
Photo Credit: Benita Mayo
7x7x7 Interview Series
My name is Jesús G. Pino Aguilar. I started my career in photography as a self-learner, driven by a sincere
interest in this art form. I consider myself a lifestyle, portraiture photographer. I spend my time working as a commercial photographer. However, where I experiment with a more artistic side of photography is when I
travel. I love photographing busy cities and capturing the chaos of the streets using long and multiple exposures.
I worked in several fields that were not specifically related to photography, before taking a job in an art gallery
in my hometown, Córdoba Spain. After two years of working with various artists and exhibits, I was selected
as the manager of the bar and gallery. In 2007, I co-founded an advertising company, 16 por 16 (Cordoba,
Spain), which published a monthly lifestyle magazine. I worked as a director and photographer with 16 por 16
until I moved to New York City in the fall of 2011. Starting in November 2011, I worked at the Queen Sofia
Spanish Institute (NYC). both in their gallery and as an event photographer. In the summer of 2013, I moved to
Charlottesville, Virginia, where I graduated in 2019 from UVa with a degree in Visual Arts. Since coming to
Charlottesville I have had the honor of working with amazing photographers and clients which have taught me a great deal in this art form.
Instagram: @@jesuspinophotography
Bio courtesy of the artist.